To mark Black History Month Stuttgart, Ebube Sett, OFILI, is adding an artistic installation to the collection of everyday objects from Swabian middle-class households in the WUNDERKAMMER – NATURALIA I ARTIFICIALIA
Disclaimer: The grammatical errors in some of the questions are deliberate and part of installation. Feel free to make grammatical errors when responding in the language of your choice.
Frame is Identity. Stitches is Identity. Combination is identity. Profile is Identity
Why is it common practice that pictures in identities are framed in portraits?
How much can frames tell about profiles that are transiting landscapes?
Can cultures with depth be framed on walls?
Can emotions be expressed on a flat surface?
Do we first have to melt to combine?
What does it mean to integrate, is it a mixture of the previously melted to the present?
What becomes of the mixture after the combination?
Can integration be barrier free?
Why is there a need for a stitch?
Could the tailor want a new design?
Did the tailor take the measurement of the owner of the fabric?
Why is it common practice that pictures in identities are framed in portraits?
Kindly remember Frame is Identity. Stitches is Identity. Combination is identity. Profile is Identity
If there is a feeling to participate. Scan QR Code below to answer any question anonymously or drop an answer in the box.
What happens when:
We tear a fabric that needs a stitch?
We knit a fabric that needs a stitch?
We ignore a fabric that needs a stitch?

With the kind support of Afrokids International e.V., Interkulturelles Promoter*innen Programm, Black History Month Stuttgart, Mittendrin – Chancen für morgen gestalten, Zentrum für Kulturelle Teilhabe Baden-Württemberg, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Kulturamt Stuttgart, SV Sparkassenversicherung, Wüstenrot Stiftung, Rosspartner Werbetechnik, Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg